About IPDA

IPDA is the international umbrella organization for the associations and companies that develop its activity in the field of publishing distribution (books, magazines, newspapers... both on print and digital versions)

IPDA aim is to further the interests of publishing distributors considering different lines of activity:

  • Interchange of information and commercial opportunities between distribution company members.


  • Coordination and collaboration with Publishers and Booksellers / Newsagents Associations at European and International level.


  • Common representation of the Publishing Distribution sector, in terms of dialogue with Public Administrations and European / International Institutions.


  • Organization of Publishing Distribution Events (Meetings, Round Tables, Congress, Think Tanks…), acting as a forum for discussion and cooperation.


  • Development of working groups regarding the different areas of the situation and future of the publishing distribution sector (i.e. metadata, EDI, ecommerce, legislation on publishing business, taxation…) 


International Publishing Distribution Association (IPDA)
Santiago Rusiñol 8
28040 Madrid - SPAIN

Phone: +34 915 334 777

How to become IPDA member?

If you want to become IPDA member, please fullfill the aplication membership that you can download here, and send to the Secretary of the Association by e-mail info@ipdaweb.org